Remember the Nineties? by Max Halley
Featuring Walkers MAX Cheese & Onion Flavour Crisps

For a while in the nineties (and noughties), the goats’ cheese salad was EVERYWHERE. It seems to have mostly disappeared now, but not here, y’all! Not here! I’m giving this nineties classic a sandwich makeover. Beetroot, onion marmalade, balsamic… everything in this goats’ cheese sandwich gets along very well, even if they don’t see each other much anymore.
Of course, the real star of this nineties reunion is Walkers MAX Cheese & Onion Flavour Crisps.
Serves: 2
Requires Cooking: Yes
Vegetarian Option: Yes

- 3 or 4 slices from a goat cheese log, on a baking tray
- 1 teaspoon onion marmalade (from a jar) mixed into 1 tablespoon mayonnaise
- 1 tablespoon balsamic glaze (which is just balsamic and sugar boiled together)
- ½ baby gem lettuce, shredded
- 2 cooked beetroot cut into about 8 slices
- ½ teaspoon fresh thyme leaves
- Crushed Walkers MAX Cheese & Onion Flavour Crisps
- 1 mini baguette

- 1 Get the grill on.
- 2 Cut the baguette along its length, but not all the way through. Spread your onion marmalade/mayo mix all over the inside.
- 3 Pop the goats’ cheese under the grill.
- 4 Lay your beetroot slices all over the bottom of the baguette.
- 5 Once the goats’ cheese slices have got all melty and nice, use a spatula to pop them in the sarnie.
- 6 Drizzle them with balsamic glaze and sprinkle with the thyme leaves and a nice layer of crushed crisps.
- 7 Add the shredded lettuce, close the baguette, cut it in half and wonder how a name as silly as the Noughties was ever allowed, bearing in mind they banned Boaty McBoatface.
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